Talent Optimization Team Assessment

There are hundreds of team assessments.  Many team improvement approaches rely on personality tests and self-inventory questionnaires. Team surveys ask team members to evaluate how well the team works together.

But there is only one team assessment that measures the elements of teams that motivate team members to perform at their best.

Our Talent Optimization Index (TOI) team assessment asks each team member to describe how the team’s practices impact their ability to leverage their strengths by tapping  into the complementary talents of other team members and make strong, impactful contributions to team goals.

Top performing teams work together productively and effectively, leveraging the time, talents, and energy of every team member.

What makes the TOI Unique


The TOI assessment measures six team practices that link directly to team performance results.


Each team member describes what is working for them and what’s getting in the way


The analytics indicate how these six practices are impacting the productivity of every team member


Team leaders get insights into areas they need to address with the entire team and isolate challenges unique to one team member.

The Power of the TOI Assessment Report

The TOI report indicates the team’s average score on each of the six practices and the team’s overall Talent Optimization Index score, an indicator of the team’s effectiveness.

The TOI visual provides Team Leaders with a clear understanding on the most important practice area to focus on. For this team, Clarity is the most important practice to address with the entire team.

The TOI report is unique in that it also provides Team Leaders with individual team member profile scores. This report indicates that one team member is far more challenged in Capacity – the time and energy to contribute fully. The team leader should address this gap with the team member in a 1:1 session, instead of engaging the entire team.

Insights and Actions – What the TOI Assessment Report Delivers

When you understand how talent levers impact team participation and productivity, you can impact them. Team leaders receive:


Insights into how each of the six practices is impacting productivity and team performance today


Visibility into the range of individual team member experiences


The most important practice area to focus on first with team goals


1: 1 coaching session to develop action plans


Support for your team customized to what you need