Driving Team Excellence

Unlock the performance potential across every team in your organization.

High performing teams optimize the productivity of every team member, maximizing team productivity and delivering powerful performance results.

But in most organizations, these teams are few and far between.


Most team effectiveness assessment measure how well the team, as a unit is working together.

These assessments fail to identify the most important drivers of team productivity and performance – the productivity of each team member.

Our Talent Optimization Index (TOI), team assessment measures the engagement, productivity, and contributions of each team member to identify the challenges impacting the overall team and pinpoint challenges unique to one team member.

We leverage our team survey to learn what your top-performing teams do and how they achieve results, leveraging your talents, technology, and tools.

Top-performing teams drive strong business results and strong people results. Teams that leverage the talents of each team member increase worker engagement, build skills, and accomplishments and elevate on-the-job-performance. It’s a “double-win” for your organization.

Accelerate the performance of every team in your organization with our three-step process

Step 1

Discover & Define

We gather data from your teams to identify the statistically significant differentiators that drive top team performance.

Step 2

Replicate & Validate

We turn insights into actions, implementing development plans for your teams that should be performing better.
Step 3

Scale & Accelerate

We partner with you to scale your Team Excellence model across all teams in your organization.

Learn more about our three-step process